Thursday, June 4, 2009

May 25, 2009

The backyard bed. I like it because it is a nice view from the sitting room window.

I got the patio and bbq all cleaned up and ready for summer

I like how this tree is growing and provides shade for the patio in the evening. I planted a new flower "mimilus" here this year. I usually do impatiens.

Annie and the garden. I'm working on getting a fence guy here to fix the broken post.

The mailbox bed. I planted dark blue lobelia, marigold, light blue lobelia and pink petunias in a pattern across the front.

I am so pleased with the climbing clematis growing up the mailbox. I planted it at least five years ago and this is the first year that it has really taken off.

Since taking out the pine tree last year I had a space so this year I added a juniper, a varigated dogwood and a columbine (perennials) and a couple of geraniums (annuals)

You can see the blooming (blue,lacy flowers) forget-me-nots at the end of this bed. I love them! I added four more forget-me-nots this year on either sides of the barberi.

I planted the same pattern of lobelia, marigold and petunias in front of the laurel bush, but something keeps eating the petunias! I planted them twice. Heather says it's snails that hide in the bark during the day and eat the petunias as night.

The front porch in all its Fourth of July finery. I moved the Ikea chairs out to the porch for more seating. I think the spot in the lawn is from Annie - I guess I'll have to do something about that.


Keith Parsons said...

Nice way to document up your yard and garden. Thanks for sharing.

Richard B said...

Very well done Janet. I'm glad you know the names of all those plants/bushes. I'm proud of you.